Policy on Corporate Relationships

我们很高兴收到您的来信,并感谢您有兴趣支持美国心脏协会和美国中风协会的使命. 请阅读以下内容,以更好地了解我们的公司关系政策.

  1. Preamble

    本公司关系政策规定了AHA评估和批准当地公司关系的标准, affiliate and national levels. 美国心脏协会的使命是建立更健康的生活,远离心血管疾病和中风. 美国心脏协会与许多不同的组织合作,这些组织分享美国心脏协会的目标,即为每个美国人改善心血管和大脑健康, including other not-for-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, corporate foundations and government-related entities. 虽然这些关系对美国心脏协会实现其公共卫生目标至关重要, AHA, in accordance with AHA’s Endorsement & Medical Statements policy, 必须谨慎不认可或看起来不认可商业产品, process, service or enterprise.

  2. Definition of corporate relationship

    公司关系是AHA与一个或多个组织之间的关系,其中AHA通过使用其名称, 商标或其他知识产权-与第三方产品有关, brand, process, service or enterprise.

    公司关系有多种类型,包括(但不限于)赞助, promotions, strategic relationships, consumer product purchases, licensing, and certification, 这些在《沙巴体育平台点击进入》中有进一步的定义.

  3. Standards for Corporate Relationship and Use of AHA Brand

    所有的企业关系都旨在通过为公众提供有意义的利益来推进美国心脏协会的使命, 并以提高美国心脏协会声誉以及美国心脏协会名称和标志的完整性和可信度的方式进行. To that end, AHA will evaluate Corporate Relationships in the context of whether it aligns with AHA’s Guiding Values; AHA’s public policy, science positions and public health goals; and other AHA criteria. 在与任何公司关系有关的所有决策中,AHA将行使独立的判断.

    1. Guiding Values美国心脏协会的指导价值提供了美国心脏协会评估其计划和活动的视角, including its relationships with other organizations.
    2. AHA’s Public Policy, Science Positions and Public Health Goals:美国心脏协会将评估是否符合美国心脏协会的公共政策和科学立场, guidelines, 和美国心脏协会的公共卫生目标,任何企业关系:1)涉及健康相关的公司, brands, products, services and processes; or 2) has a health impact; or 3) claims a health benefit. 所有拟议的地方、附属机构或国家一级与健康有关的企业关系将:
      1. be produced, positioned and marketed consistent with AHA’s Public Policies, Science Statements or Guidelines or other AHA health criteria; or
      2. for organizations wanting to improve the health of its products, include contractual commitments to incremental product improvement, developing new healthy products; and/or marketing and advertising healthier Products and behaviors; and
      3. 根据程序,由美国心脏协会法律部批准.
    3. Tobacco美国烟草协会将不与烟草公司或其子公司建立关系, parents or foundations. (“子公司”和“母公司”的定义是烟草公司直接或间接拥有或控制其5%或以上的实体);
    4. Health-Related Corporate Relationship: Corporate Relationships that involve health-related companies, brands, products, services and processes, or have health impact or claim health benefits, include but are not limited to:
      1. Liquor, beer and wine;
      2. Candy (including chocolate);
      3. Sugar-sweetened beverages;
      4. Food companies and food brands and products;
      5. Restaurants and restaurant meals;
      6. Pharmaceutical drugs, over the counter drugs, and other non-prescription substances (supplements, vitamins, marijuana, etc.);
      7. Medical devices;
      8. Health-related technology products or services; and
      9. Health plans, hospitals and healthcare providers.
    5. AHA Criteria公司关系不能严重损害美国心脏协会客观的声誉, independence, integrity, credibility, 社会责任和责任或其他不符合美国心脏协会的使命和价值观. 所有公司关系将遵守适用的法律、AHA政策和程序. 所有公司关系以及对AHA名称或服务商标或其他AHA知识产权的任何使用均应在经AHA法务部批准的合同中记录.
    6. Disclosure: AHA will publicly disclose the nature of a Corporate Relationship, including the amount of the financial contribution to the AHA. 通常受到保密限制的其他商业或竞争信息,在遵守合理的保密协议时,可被视为机密信息. 参与公司赞助的活动和/或项目的人员所收集的任何个人信息均受AHA隐私政策的约束.
    7. Procedures for Corporate Relationships《沙巴体育平台点击进入》将规定对拟议的公司关系进行内部审查的要求, and specify those types of local, affiliate, 需要审查的国内和国际层面的公司关系. 除了程序中列出的任何其他公司关系之外, 所有与健康相关的公司关系都需要按照程序的规定进行审查. 《沙巴体育平台点击进入》应规定以下事项: 
      1. the types of Corporate Relationships;
      2. the review process, including due diligence review, risk/benefit analysis and compliance with policy;
      3. the approval process, including a definition of companies, brands and/or Corporate Relationships that are pre-approved and those that require affiliate or national level review; and
      4. specific requirements for third party use of AHA’s names and logos.